Gelato Blanket Solid Pattern Anti-pilling
Vašo naročilo bomo obdelali v 24-72 urah. V večini primerov dostavimo v 7-10 delovnih dneh. Za večje luči, ki so običajno po meri, lahko dostava traja 25-40 dni.
Nudimo sledljivo pošiljanje, da zagotovimo, da prispe varno na vaša vrata.
Če niste 100 % zadovoljni s svojim nakupom, lahko vrnete izdelek za vračilo denarja ali ga zamenjate za nekaj drugega. Da bi bili upravičeni do vračila, mora biti vaš izdelek neuporabljen in v enakem stanju, razen če je pokvarjen/razbit, ste prejeli napačen izdelek, je vaš izdelek prispel poškodovan ali je bil vaš izdelek izgubljen med prevozom.
Prosimo, da nam pošljete sporočilo glede velikosti ali pridobivanja različnih slik, saj se trudimo, da se izognemo nepotrebnim vračilom. Vse naše pogoje vračila si oglejte na strani s politiko vračil.
Zagotavljamo kakovost naših izdelkov. Želimo, da ste popolnoma zadovoljni s svojo nakupom. Če nakup ne izpolnjuje vaših pričakovanj v 30 dneh, ponujamo enostavno garancijo za vračilo denarja. Ničesar ni treba skrbeti glede stroškov vračila. Poskusite - ničesar ne morete izgubiti.
🇸🇮 Norveška podjetja z norveškimi vrednotami - lahko ste prepričani tako v kakovost izdelkov kot v našo podporo strankam. Ne boste imeli slabih izkušenj z nami.
Ponujamo visoko kakovostne izdelke in hitro, zanesljivo storitev. Kot norveško podjetje ohranjamo najvišje standarde v izdelavi izdelkov in skrbi za stranke.
Imagine curling up with an enthralling book on a chilly evening, or cozying up for movie night with your favorite people. Want to add a touch of elegance to your bedroom decor? Our warm throw blanket is your perfect match. Its design oozes refined simplicity, bringing sophistication and grace to any room. But it's more than just a blanket; it's a cocoon of comfort and warmth, making it a thoughtful gift that turns any moment into something special. Treat yourself to this luxurious throw and elevate your home's coziness. Perfect for those brisk cold nights, its versatility and chic design make it a must-have.
The Last Blanket You'll Ever Buy
One of the standout features of this luxurious throw blanket is its anti-pilling fabric, ensuring that it remains smooth and soft, wash after wash. This high-quality material not only promises durability but also offers a tactile experience that is unmatched. Snuggle up under this blanket without the worry of lint or balls forming on the surface, keeping it looking as good as new for years to come.
Elegant, Soft, and Chic - The Blanket That Has It All:
Crafted with your ultimate comfort in mind, the Gelato Blanket strikes the perfect harmony between cozy warmth and lightweight breathability. This gem is your go-to for the changeable months of spring and autumn, offering that just-right warmth without ever feeling too hot.
Product Information:
- Material : 100% Acrylic Fibres
- Size : 127 x 172 cm ( 50'' x 67'')
- Colors : 4 colors / as pics
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