LaserRemove™ - Painless hair removal
Vašo naročilo bomo obdelali v 24-72 urah. V večini primerov dostavimo v 7-10 delovnih dneh. Za večje luči, ki so običajno po meri, lahko dostava traja 25-40 dni.
Nudimo sledljivo pošiljanje, da zagotovimo, da prispe varno na vaša vrata.
Če niste 100 % zadovoljni s svojim nakupom, lahko vrnete izdelek za vračilo denarja ali ga zamenjate za nekaj drugega. Da bi bili upravičeni do vračila, mora biti vaš izdelek neuporabljen in v enakem stanju, razen če je pokvarjen/razbit, ste prejeli napačen izdelek, je vaš izdelek prispel poškodovan ali je bil vaš izdelek izgubljen med prevozom.
Prosimo, da nam pošljete sporočilo glede velikosti ali pridobivanja različnih slik, saj se trudimo, da se izognemo nepotrebnim vračilom. Vse naše pogoje vračila si oglejte na strani s politiko vračil.
Zagotavljamo kakovost naših izdelkov. Želimo, da ste popolnoma zadovoljni s svojo nakupom. Če nakup ne izpolnjuje vaših pričakovanj v 30 dneh, ponujamo enostavno garancijo za vračilo denarja. Ničesar ni treba skrbeti glede stroškov vračila. Poskusite - ničesar ne morete izgubiti.
🇸🇮 Norveška podjetja z norveškimi vrednotami - lahko ste prepričani tako v kakovost izdelkov kot v našo podporo strankam. Ne boste imeli slabih izkušenj z nami.
Ponujamo visoko kakovostne izdelke in hitro, zanesljivo storitev. Kot norveško podjetje ohranjamo najvišje standarde v izdelavi izdelkov in skrbi za stranke.
Want the smoothest shave without pain, cuts or bumps?
LaserRemove™ uses micro-oscillation technology to remove hair completely and painlessly.
✔️ Painless, ultra-gentle hair removal - Easily removes body hair from the root, for skin as soft as after a scrub.✔️ Less frequent shaving - Additional infrared light destroys hair follicles and slows hair growth.
✔️ Sensa design - Works on contact with the skin and switches off automatically when it leaves the skin.
✔️ Two unique shaving heads - Adapted to different hair thicknesses and lengths.
Are you tired of painful, expensive or smelly hair removal methods?
The LaserRemove™ is designed to remove hair painlessly and effectively on different parts of your face and body. Save hundreds of euros on expensive salon hair removal treatments, such as waxing or laser treatments.
✔️ Suitable for all skin types - LaserRemove™ is safe and gentle, even for the most sensitive skin and all skin tones.
✔️ Compact and portable - With its built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, this cordless hair removal device is perfect for use at home and on the move.
✔️ Suitable for all parts of the body - Shaving heads are easy to handle and clean. Ideal for all areas, including intimate zones and hard-to-reach places.
Josefien P. - 4.8 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"Ingrown hairs and skin irritations were my biggest curse for years. LaserRemove has changed the state of my skin forever, my partner compliments me every day!"
The hair removal device is equipped with a rechargeable battery and can be easily recharged via the USB port. The integrated LEDs ensure no hair escapes your grasp and give you a perfect shave every time.
Product features :
- Method: Wet and dry use
- Power supply: USB recharge
- Technology: Sensa micro-oscillation and infrared technology
- Blade material: Stainless steel
- Charging time: 2 hours
- Autonomy: 1 hour
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