Modern Creative Led Wall Light
Vašo naročilo bomo obdelali v 24-72 urah. V večini primerov dostavimo v 7-10 delovnih dneh. Za večje luči, ki so običajno po meri, lahko dostava traja 25-40 dni.
Nudimo sledljivo pošiljanje, da zagotovimo, da prispe varno na vaša vrata.
Če niste 100 % zadovoljni s svojim nakupom, lahko vrnete izdelek za vračilo denarja ali ga zamenjate za nekaj drugega. Da bi bili upravičeni do vračila, mora biti vaš izdelek neuporabljen in v enakem stanju, razen če je pokvarjen/razbit, ste prejeli napačen izdelek, je vaš izdelek prispel poškodovan ali je bil vaš izdelek izgubljen med prevozom.
Prosimo, da nam pošljete sporočilo glede velikosti ali pridobivanja različnih slik, saj se trudimo, da se izognemo nepotrebnim vračilom. Vse naše pogoje vračila si oglejte na strani s politiko vračil.
Zagotavljamo kakovost naših izdelkov. Želimo, da ste popolnoma zadovoljni s svojo nakupom. Če nakup ne izpolnjuje vaših pričakovanj v 30 dneh, ponujamo enostavno garancijo za vračilo denarja. Ničesar ni treba skrbeti glede stroškov vračila. Poskusite - ničesar ne morete izgubiti.
🇸🇮 Norveška podjetja z norveškimi vrednotami - lahko ste prepričani tako v kakovost izdelkov kot v našo podporo strankam. Ne boste imeli slabih izkušenj z nami.
Ponujamo visoko kakovostne izdelke in hitro, zanesljivo storitev. Kot norveško podjetje ohranjamo najvišje standarde v izdelavi izdelkov in skrbi za stranke.
Modern Creative Led Wall Light is Easy to Mount and Practical to Use
Increasingly, when it comes to lighting, we can see design solutions in the form of luminous rings, which also appear as a much smaller variant for mobile phones. Of course, such circular geometric shapes are often combined with rectilinear elements and work together on the principle of LED light.
In this way, a geometric lights game is created in the interior. The Nordic style emphasizes the simple shape of these lamps, and this is exactly what the Modern Creative Led Wall Light that exists in the four models is. This lamp is made of an aluminum support part within which are circular parts.
Black is a common choice for lighting, it looks elegant, and as a neutral color, it often determines the color of other interior elements. The specificity of the circles on this wall lamp is that the central support circle is unlit. In contrast, the other smaller circles are lit, and it is up to you to choose the appropriate combination and position of the circles.
Lamps With Dimmer Switch for a More Intimate Atmosphere
The modern wall lamp is characterized by a high level of creativity when it comes to design in a geometric style. Another of the characteristics is the creation of the desired ambience by dimming or lighting control. This is made possible by a dimmer switch that controls the voltage of the lamp by adjusting the light level. Clear and brighter light is a necessary option for a workspace or office, while for a relaxation area, the perfect alternative for you is in the form of a lamp with the option of dimmed lights.
The option for dimming the light of the LED lamp is determined by the type of electrical equipment used in the bulb itself. The best dimmers for LED lighting are those that work on the principle of phase interruption. LED lights use specially designed dimming switches so they are safer and can't cause problems like regular switches.
A few reasons to try dimmable LED lighting:
- dimming the light significantly extends the life of the lighting;
- dimming switches save energy because when the bulbs are turned on and off alternately, the total energy use is reduced;
- dimmer switches control dimming quite effectively, and modern technology has made that process even easier - dimming of some types of modern LED lamps can be controlled remotely via smartphones.
Dimensions and Colors of the Modern Creative Led Wall Light
Our Modern Creative Led Wall Light can be found in Emitting color:
Warm White and Cool White. There is also a three-color dimmable.
- Type: Lamp with 2, 3, 4, and 5 round heads.
- Lighting Area: 5-10 Square Meters.
Specifications of the Modern Creative Led Wall Light
- Certification: CE, ROHS
- Power Source: AC
- Voltage: 90-260V
- Bulbs Included: Yes
- Dimmable: Available Variant
- Light Source: LED
- Switch Type: Touch On/Off Switch
- Material: Steel
- Shade Type: Acrylic
- Installation Type: Wall Mounted
- Lighting Area: 5-10 Square meters
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