Rowena Orthopedic Elegance Boots
Vašo naročilo bomo obdelali v 24-72 urah. V večini primerov dostavimo v 7-10 delovnih dneh. Za večje luči, ki so običajno po meri, lahko dostava traja 25-40 dni.
Nudimo sledljivo pošiljanje, da zagotovimo, da prispe varno na vaša vrata.
Če niste 100 % zadovoljni s svojim nakupom, lahko vrnete izdelek za vračilo denarja ali ga zamenjate za nekaj drugega. Da bi bili upravičeni do vračila, mora biti vaš izdelek neuporabljen in v enakem stanju, razen če je pokvarjen/razbit, ste prejeli napačen izdelek, je vaš izdelek prispel poškodovan ali je bil vaš izdelek izgubljen med prevozom. Oglejte si vse naše pogoje za vračilo na strani s politiko vračil.
🇸🇮 Norveška podjetja z norveškimi vrednotami - lahko ste prepričani tako v kakovost izdelkov kot v našo podporo strankam. Ne boste imeli slabih izkušenj z nami.
Ponujamo visoko kakovostne izdelke in hitro, zanesljivo storitev. Kot norveško podjetje ohranjamo najvišje standarde v izdelavi izdelkov in skrbi za stranke.
Ready for a shoe revolution?
Immerse yourself in the winter season with shoes that offer style, warmth and unmatched comfort. Step out with confidence knowing your feet are wrapped in premium leather and coziness.
90% of women agree: these are the must-have boots of 2023!
Rowena's latest creation combines orthopedic brilliance with winter resistance. Masterfully crafted by leading orthopedists, these boots boast a design that corrects posture, relieves foot pain and stands up to any weather. Walk with pride and pain-free elegance!
What makes it a game changer?
- Strengthen your posture: These boots not only enhance your style but also correct your foot posture, improving overall body alignment.
- Brave the elements: rain or snow, the waterproof upper guarantees dry feet and lets you tackle any weather with ease.
- Increase comfort: Thanks to the soft tendon sole, every step is cushioned, reducing the strain on your feet during long hours.
- A fit for the future: Designed for durability, these boots promise to remain your faithful companions for over 5 years.
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