Smartwatch for Diabetes Monitoring: Sleek and Stylish Solution for Effective Diabetes Management
Vašo naročilo bomo obdelali v 24-72 urah. V večini primerov dostavimo v 7-10 delovnih dneh. Za večje luči, ki so običajno po meri, lahko dostava traja 25-40 dni.
Nudimo sledljivo pošiljanje, da zagotovimo, da prispe varno na vaša vrata.
Če niste 100 % zadovoljni s svojim nakupom, lahko vrnete izdelek za vračilo denarja ali ga zamenjate za nekaj drugega. Da bi bili upravičeni do vračila, mora biti vaš izdelek neuporabljen in v enakem stanju, razen če je pokvarjen/razbit, ste prejeli napačen izdelek, je vaš izdelek prispel poškodovan ali je bil vaš izdelek izgubljen med prevozom.
Prosimo, da nam pošljete sporočilo glede velikosti ali pridobivanja različnih slik, saj se trudimo, da se izognemo nepotrebnim vračilom. Vse naše pogoje vračila si oglejte na strani s politiko vračil.
Zagotavljamo kakovost naših izdelkov. Želimo, da ste popolnoma zadovoljni s svojo nakupom. Če nakup ne izpolnjuje vaših pričakovanj v 30 dneh, ponujamo enostavno garancijo za vračilo denarja. Ničesar ni treba skrbeti glede stroškov vračila. Poskusite - ničesar ne morete izgubiti.
🇸🇮 Norveška podjetja z norveškimi vrednotami - lahko ste prepričani tako v kakovost izdelkov kot v našo podporo strankam. Ne boste imeli slabih izkušenj z nami.
Ponujamo visoko kakovostne izdelke in hitro, zanesljivo storitev. Kot norveško podjetje ohranjamo najvišje standarde v izdelavi izdelkov in skrbi za stranke.
Our unprecedented watches are leading with a multitude of features.
Our Smartwatches come with an individualistic app to track countless different things that these exceptional watches are capable of tracking.
Understand your heart better with our built in Lorenz Scatter Plot Analysis reports directly in your personalised app making intuitive judgements about cardiac arrhythmia.
Accurate Blood Glucose readings through the sensors on the watch
Say goodbye to irritating blood collections with our needle free blood sugar monitoring built into the watch.
Get a 24/7 detailed body temperature reading.
There are 4 monitoring modes watch wearing detection, chest stickers, ECG belt, or your handheld ECG all this is included with your watch.
It takes a mere 30 seconds to detect ECG.
You also have 24/7 heart rate monitoring to ensure your heart is healthy.
In addition you obtain blood pressure, blood oxygen and sleep monitoring.
With many contrasting sports modes such as cycling, walking, running, hiking and 6 more for detailed motion analysis.
Your watch has the ability to connect to iPhone or Android phones and you can answer the call from the watch.
You also get an advantageous weather forecast app.
With a water resistant 1.92 inch true colour screen it's wide and clear and boasts it's colours through this powerful display.
With 2.5D Curved tempered glass it's tough and clear to see through.
Bluetooth Version: 5.0
Display Size: 1.83 inches
Resolution: 240*284 pixels
Shell Material: Metal alloy
Battery Life: 5-9 days (in use), 30-40 days (standby)
Q: How does the smartwatch monitor blood glucose?
A: The smartwatch uses advanced sensors to monitor blood glucose levels without the need for needle pricks, providing accurate and continuous readings.
Q: Is this watch compatible with both iPhone and Android?
A: Yes, the smartwatch is compatible with both iPhone and Android devices. You can sync it with your phone to make and receive calls directly from the watch.
Q: How long does it take to get an ECG reading?
A: The smartwatch can provide an ECG reading in just 30 seconds, using four different modes: wear detection, chest stickers, ECG belt, or handheld ECG.
Q: Can the watch monitor my heart rate 24/7?
A: Yes, the watch offers 24/7 heart rate monitoring, along with blood pressure, blood oxygen, and sleep tracking, ensuring comprehensive health management.
Q: Is the watch water-resistant?
A: Yes, the smartwatch is water-resistant, allowing it to handle everyday splashes and sweat, making it suitable for workouts and outdoor use.
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