150 DB Train Horn for Truck and Cars | Train Horn with Air Compressor
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150 DB Train Horn for Truck and Cars | Train Horn with Compressor
This Train Horn is amazing and will surprise everyone!
These train horns can fit in almost any truck, car, boat or vehicle and deliver the big sound you need. They may be small but they pack a punch that can rival any air horn out there.
150 DB Train Horn for Truck and Cars has some amazing Features:
- 150DB Loud: Air Horn blares out a loud and powerful warning. The two durable trumpets can produce sound as loud as 150DB. The great powerful sound catches everyone's attention.
- The air horn is metal material to ensure maximum strength and durability for long lasting usage; and is designed to be weather resistant, tough enough to withstand the any weather and form of elements of blizzard.
- The air horn With a polished red compressor and shiny chrome horn they cast an eye-catching appearance on any vehicle mounted, and the air horn can produce 150DB sound, improve the safety of family and driver travel you need .
- 12V DC power available. The horns are commonly installed on cars, train, trucks, vans, tractors, buses etc. It is also extremely suitable for motorcycles or boats.
- It is flexible and portable so it has the reflexes to take from one car to another easily. The horn kit includes basic mounting hardware, hose, and relay.
This Train Horn for trucks and Cars, may look small but it packs a punch and delivers the big sound you need.
Why you should buy this Train Horn for your truck or your car?
- SUPER LOUD: Twin Tone Sound.
- HIGH QUALITY: The air horn is metal material to ensure maximum strength and durability for long lasting usage; and is designed to be weather resistant, tough enough to withstand the any weather and form of elements of blizzard
- EASY INSTALLATION: It is flexible and portable so it has the reflexes to take from one car to another easily. The horn kit includes basic mounting hardware and hose.
- FAST DELIVERY: You'll have this between 4 and 6 days maximum or we will give you a gift.
You want more benefits?
- Prevents accidents:
- Fast setup:
- Great for any 12v vehicle:
Use it on cars, SUVs, RVs, trucks, vans, motorcycles, buses, etc.
Product Specs:
- Condition: Dual Trumpet, Applied for any 12V vehicle cars, trucks, vans, buses, RV, SUV, Jeep and boats
- Material: Chrome Plated ZINC Trumpets(Non-Rusting)
- Voltage : 12V
- DB output : 150db±5db
- Overall Dimensions : 17.7"L x 3.9"W x 3.9"H
- Trumpet Lengths : 270mm/205mm
- Trumpets Bell Width : 3.9"
- Package includes: 1 X Dual Air Horn | 1 X Compressor | 1 X Hose
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