Long Range Indoor HDTV 4K Digital Antenna 600 Miles
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Long Range Indoor HDTV 4K Digital Antenna 600 Miles
Experience your favorite shows in stunning high definition with the powerful antenna for HDTV. Our amazing indoor TV antenna boasts up to 600 miles of reach, providing you with access to various programs in 1080P and 4K resolutions.

The amplified TV antenna delivers a crystal-clear picture and superior sound quality, all without breaking the bank thanks to its long reach. Additionally, the indoor antenna is waterproof, making it suitable to use both indoors and outdoors.
To make things better, the TV antenna for local channels helps you eliminate huge bills that are caused by monthly program subscriptions. With a quick connection to signals, the indoor HDTV antenna allows you to scan and select your desired programming within minutes, providing swift and hassle-free access to your favorite shows.

Better yet, the indoor digital TV antenna is equipped with a long coaxial cable, granting you a flexible installation experience. With the HDTV digital antenna, you'll have everything you need to take your home entertainment sessions to the next level.
Get access to stunning 1080P and 4K resolution shows and movies with the help of our premium indoor TV antenna.
- Fast and stable signal transmission
- Adpots a high gain 39dBi antenna that boosts signals
- Offers strong signal to HDTV programs and videos
- 720P, 1080i, and 1080P compatibility
- Boasts a wider receiving/ transmitting range
- Up to 600 miles of signal range
- Fitted with a 16.5 ft cable
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors due to its waterproof design
- Wide device compatibility
- Compact and easy to postion
Working Frequency: VHF (170-240Mhz) / UHF (470-860Mhz)
VSWR: ≤ 1.5
Impedance: 75 Ω
Gain: 39dBi
Reception Range: 600 Miles
Color: Black
Cable: 1.5C-2 V (Length = 5m / 16.5ft)
Connectors: Coaxial Male to Female Adapter
Polarization: Linear
Voltage: 5 V
Operation Temperature: -45 ~ 85 ℃
Storage Temperature: -45 ~ 85 ℃
Compatible with 4K, 1080p
1x TV Antenna
1x USB charger
1x Adaptor
1x Instruction Manual
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