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우리는 안전하게 귀하의 문앞에 도착할 수 있도록 추적 가능한 배송을 제공합니다.
구매에 100% 만족하지 않으시면, 상품을 반품하여 환불받거나 다른 상품으로 교환할 수 있습니다. 환불을 받으려면 상품이 사용되지 않았고 동일한 상태여야 하며, 결함이 있거나 파손된 경우, 잘못된 상품을 받았거나, 상품이 파손되어 도착했거나, 상품이 배송 중 분실된 경우에 해당해야 합니다.
사이즈나 다른 사진 요청에 대해 메시지를 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 불필요한 반품을 피하려고 합니다. 반품 조건은 반품 정책 페이지에서 확인하세요.
우리는 우리의 품질을 보장합니다. 귀하가 구매에 완전히 만족하시기를 원합니다. 구매가 30일 이내에 귀하의 기대에 미치지 못할 경우, 우리는 번거로움 없이 환불 보장을 제공합니다. 반품 배송에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 한번 시도해 보세요 - 잃을 것이 없습니다.
🇳🇴 노르웨이 회사, 노르웨이의 가치 - 제품 품질과 고객 지원 모두에 대해 자신감을 가질 수 있습니다. 저희와 함께 나쁜 경험을 하실 일은 없습니다.
우리는 고품질 제품과 신속하고 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스를 제공하는 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 노르웨이 회사로서 우리는 제품 장인 정신과 고객 관리에서 최고의 기준을 유지합니다.
Our ProExtender is made from high-grade Stainless Steel, ABS, and Silicone materials for durability and comfort. Nontoxic for your body. Adjustable one size fits all.
The Pro Extender uses the body´s natural response to traction, which is to reproduce more tissue cells, for increased mass. This affects both length and girth, and the results are permanent. You need to invest 4-6 months with 5-6 hours of treatment per day to get a 28% increase in erect length, and 19% in girth. No doctors, 100% discreet in the comfort of your home.
There are so many techniques for penis enlargement on the market, such as pills, creams, pumps, and vacuum devices – and the most drastic penis enlargement technique – surgery.
The Pro Extender penis enlargement technique takes advantage of the naturally occurring cell process of ‘cytokinesis’. Putting a slight traction force on the penis sets cytokinesis into motion.
According to the British Journal of Urology in a paper published in April 2011, “Penile extenders represent the only evidence-based technique of penis obligation.” We have over 20 years of experience in producing penis extenders, so the ProExtender™ is not going to disappoint.
We’re sure you’ll agree that penis traction is the safest, most natural, and most long-lasting method. Convinced already?
How to use?
Step 1: Securely fasten the ProExtender®to your penis
Don’t worry! With your ProExtender®, you’ll receive an instructional DVD (and manual) showing you how to easily and quickly assemble and attach the device. It’s really simple. And you can follow along, step-by-step, without fuss.
Step 2: Adjust screws to the properdegree of tension
You’ll know exactly what degree of tension you’ll need to achieve your enlargement goals. Because with your ProExtender®, you’ll receive a “Quick Guide” – which is a clinically documented enlargement program you can easily follow for permanent growth.
Step 3: Continue wearingthe ProExtender®
In order to see significant results, you must wear your ProExtender® regularly. Your “Quick Guide” will give you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program you can follow, to safely enlarge your penis.
Step 4: Traction (tension + time) triggersmitosis (cell duplication)
The ProExtender® is designed to apply safe, gentle tension (Traction) for extended time periods. Traction stretches the cells, causing them to divide. Meaning, one cell becomes two cells. Then two become four. And four become eight. And that’s the enlargement process. You get the picture?
Step 5: Permanent enlargementis achieved
The results you achieve using the ProExtender are permanent. You could see results in a little as 2 weeks. The entire experience is painless. And with continued use, you could increase erection length by up to 29% and girth by up to 19%. You could achieve these results in 6 months (or less).
What’s great about the ProExtender is you can continue using it until you reach your desired size.
Discreet Packaging and Billing
Ordering a sex toy or any product in particular on a sex-toy site, you mainly want the process to be discreet and straightforward. We ensure the package arrives at your destination as discreetly as possible. The pouches, boxes, and shipping packages we use have been designed that way.
We use plain brown boxes or padded bubble mailers. There are no sharp images or words on it, nor our brand name or website; so no one will know about your order.
On your card, you will have a statement with the following name "MERAKI MART"
What Our Plain Brown Box Looks Like:
WARNING: This product is intended for use by individuals 18 years of age or older. It is not intended for use by minors. By purchasing this product, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older.
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